Machine learning for networking
Video streaming
Dynamic streaming over HTTP (DASH).
Reinforcement learning: reward measures how good an action is, goal is to maximize cumulative reward.
Pensieve: learning-based ABR algorithm
- ABR: adaptive bit rate
- Pensieve learns it through experience
- RL reward is
bitrate - rebuffering - smoothness
- use large corpus of network traces to train the model
Network packet classification
Decides action to take based on matched rule.
- hardware-based (e.g. TCAM): fast. but expensive, energy-consuming, hard to scale
- software-based (e.g. decision-tree): scalable, but slow and requires large memory
Existing techniques:
- node cutting: cut space into smaller areas, each area corresponds to leaf in decision tree, match by traveling through decision tree and select rule in matched leaf with highest priority
- rule partitioning: partition space into two parts, build separate decision (sub)tree for each part, match by traveling through decision tree and select rule in matched leaf with highest priority
End-to-end learning: replace decision tree with RL model
- may not need data structure at all
- but cannot guarantee classification correctness, packet inference takes too long, needs specialised hardware
NeuroCuts: use deep reinforcement learning to tackle problem of building decision trees
- action: either cutting node, or partitioning set of rule
- reward: classification time, or memory footprint, or both
- reward delayed and only given when whole tree is built
Naive MDP formulation:
- sequential markov decision process
- assumes DFS order of building the tree node-by-node
- action: cut or partition current node