Advanced Logic

Table of Contents

Intro to Modal Logic (operators, frames, models, tautologies)

First-order propositional logic

Includes variables, T, ⊥, not, and, or, implication. Proofs are given by structural induction. Precedence is ¬, then ∧∨, then →.

a valuation v : Var → {0,1} maps propositional variables to truth values. i.e., it tells you what variables are true.

the semantics of a formula under a valuation is defined with ⟦p⟧ᵥ = v(p), with p ∈ Var

if ⟦φ⟧ᵥ = 1 (i.e. φ is true in v), we write v ⊨ φ (read “v models φ”).

If every model of all φᵢ is a model of ψ, we write φ₁,…,φn ⊨ ψ

If v ⊨ φ for all valuations of v, then universally ⊨ φ (φ is a tautology)

Soundness: ⊢ implies ⊨ (“what we can derive is true”). proved by induction on length of proof

Completeness: ⊨ implies ⊢ (“what is true can be derived”). can be proven using consistency

Basic modal logic

Basic model logic operators:

In a diagram, one of these symbols is exactly one transition step (use multiple for multiple steps).

Examples in natural language:

Loeb’s formula: □ (□ p → p) → □ p

Veridicality: □ φ → φ

Truth is relative to current situation/world/environment:



A situation is set by a frame F = (W,R)

A frame is just the states and transitions between them, without a valuation (i.e. without saying what’s true in each state).

A frame could be (ℕ, <), or ({1,2,3,4}, {(1,2), (2,4), (1,3), (3,4), (2,2)})


model: pair M = (F, V)

pointed model: pair (M,w) of model M and w a world in M (i.e. you zoom in to a specific state in M)

Local truth definitions

Distinguishing and characterizing states

A formula φ characterizes a state x in model M if φ is true in x but not in other states of M.

A formula φ distinguishes state x from state y in a model M if φ is true in x but not in y.


State diagram


  • the formula 3 ⊨ □ ⊥ characterizes state 3
  • the formula 2 ⊨ ◇ □ ⊥ characterizes state 2