Advanced Logic

Table of Contents

Transforming and constructing models

Disjoint union of models: combine models by union of states, relations, and valuations. A state in one of the models is modally equivalent with the state in the union.

Generated submodel: starting from state w, only take its future.

Tree unraveling

Tree unravelling: unravelling of world s in (W,R,V) is:

Basically taking the states with possible paths between them, and drawing a tree.


Model Tree unraveling

Model diagram

Graphviz code
digraph g {
1 -> 2
1 -> 1

Tree unraveling diagram

Graphviz code
digraph g {
a [label="(1)"]
b [label="(1,2)"]; a -> b
c [label="(1,1)"]; a -> c
d [label="(1,1,2)"]; c -> d
e [label="(1,1,1)"]; c -> e
f [label="(1,1,1,2)"]; e -> f
g [label="..."]; e -> g

If two trees have the same structure, the models are bisimilar.

Model contraction

Bisimulation contraction

Basically getting rid of ‘unnecessary’ states. See in this diagram, model on the left and contraction on the right:

Model contraction

Validity and satisfiability

If φ is satisfiable, then it is satisfiable using a model with at most $2^{s(\phi)}$ elements with s(φ) the number of subformulas of φ.