Advanced Logic

Table of Contents

Propositional dynamic logic (PDL)

In propositional dynamic logic (PDL), aim to prove: φ → [while σ do α] ψ


For every program α we have modality 〈α〉:

Program definitions:

Examples of formulas:

Formula examples

We obtain semantics of PDL as instance of multi-modal logic.


A model M is a PDL-model if the frame is a PDL-frame and $R_{\phi ?} = \{ (w,w) \;|\; M, w \models \phi\}$

The R of the frame is all sets of Rₐ where a is a program (i.e. a label on an arrow).

Proof example of 〈α, β〉 p → 〈α〉〈β〉p
  • Take a PDL model and a state x.
  • Assume x ⊨ 〈α, β〉 p
  • That is, there is a state y such that $(x, y) \in R_{\alpha;\beta}$ and y ⊨ p.
  • $R_{\alpha;\beta} = R_{\alpha}; R_{\beta}$
  • That is, there is a state u such that $(x, u) \in R_{\alpha}$ and $(u,y) \in R_{\beta}$.
  • Because $(u,y) ∈ R_{\beta}$ and y ⊨ p, we have u ⊨ 〈β〉 p
  • Because $(x,u) ∈ R_{\alpha}$, we have and u ⊨ 〈β〉p we have x ⊨ 〈α〉〈β〉p.

If then else:



Graphviz code
digraph g {
1 [xlabel="[p]"]
1 -> 2 [label="a"]
4 -> 2 [label="b"]
1 -> 3 [label="b"]
4 -> 3 [label="a"]

Calculate the relation for if p then a else b, which is encoded as (p?; a) ∪ (¬ p?; b):





Graphviz code
digraph g {
1 -> 2 [label="a"]
2 -> 3 [label="a"]
3 -> 4 [label="a"]
4 -> 5 [label="a"]
5 -> 6 [label="a"]
1 [xlabel="[p]"]
2 [xlabel="[p]"]
3 [xlabel="[p]"]
4 [xlabel="[p]"]

Calculating the relation while p do a, encoded as (p?; a)*; ¬ p?:


If E is a bisimulation between two A-models, then it is a bisimulation for the models’ PDL-extensions. However, intersection and inverse are not safe for bisimulation.