This is an approach to determine if a formula φ holds in a pointed model M, w.
We have:
Assume that negation only applied to prop. variables. Transform formulas from ¬ □ p to ◇ ¬ p, ¬(p ∧ q) to ¬p ∨ ¬q.
The position determines the move, e.g. in a position (t, ◇ φ), V chooses a successor u of t, and play continues with (u, φ). For (t,p), if p is true in t then V wins, otherwise F wins. For (t, ¬p), if p is false in t then V wins, otherwise F wins. If a player should but cannot choose a successor, they lose.
Who starts:
A complete game tree for φ and (M,w) starts with (w,φ) and contains all possible moves. A strategy for player P is subset of steps for P, and it’s a winning strategy if it ensures that P wins the game.
To determine validity: φ is true in M in s ⇔ V has a winning strategy for M,s,φ.
digraph states {
1 -> 2
1 -> 3
2 -> 3
3 -> 2
3 -> 4
4 -> 2
4 -> 3
Complete game tree:
digraph gametree {
top [label="[V] ◇ p ∨ □ ◇ p, 2"]
l11 [label="[V] ◇ p, 2"]
l12 [label="[F] □ ◇ p, 2"]
top -> l11
top -> l12
l21 [label="p 3"]
l22 [label="[V] ◇ p, 3"]
l11 -> l21
l12 -> l22
l31 [label="Verifier wins"]
l32 [label="p, 2"]
l33 [label="p, 4"]
l21 -> l31
l22 -> l32
l22 -> l33
l41 [label="Falsifier wins."]
l42 [label="Falsifier wins."]
l32 -> l41
l33 -> l42
There are different levels of validity:
If a part is omitted, it’s implicitly universally quantified.
φ and ψ semantically equivalent if they’re only valid in the same worlds, i.e. ∀ M,w: M,w ⊨ φ ⇔ M,w ⊨ ψ
Show universal validity of □ (φ → ψ) → (□ φ → □ ψ)
Substitution for propositional variables
If (W,R), V ⊨ φ then not necessarily $(W,R), V \models \phi^{\sigma}$
But validity in a frame is preserved under substitution: if F ⊨ φ, then $F \models \phi^{\sigma}$ for any substitution σ.
The interpretation $[\![ \phi ]\!] _{M}$ of a formula φ in model M = (W,R,V) is set of worlds in which φ is true.
M, w ⊨ φ iff $w \in [\![\phi]\!]_{M}$
M ⊨ φ iff $[\![\phi]\!]_{M} = W$
Local truth preserved by modus ponens: if M, w ⊨ φ → ψ and M, w ⊨ φ then M, w ⊨ ψ
Global truth preserved by modus ponens and necessitation: if M ⊨ φ then M ⊨ □ φ
Frame validity preserved by modus ponens, necessitation, and substitution: if F ⊨ φ then $F \models \phi^{\sigma}$.
If F reflexive then F ⊨ □ p → p. This holds in the opposite. So the formula □ p → p characterizes the frame property ‘reflexivity’.
In general, “formula φ characterizes the frame property P” means: F has property P iff F ⊨ φ. If you need to prove that a formula characterizes a property, you need to prove this bi-implication in both directions.
Two states M, w and M’, w’ are modally equivalent if they satisfy the same formulas.