Advanced Logic

Table of Contents

Some midterm solutions

Universal validity

Is this formula universally valid: ◇ (p → q) → (◇ p → ◇ q)

Graphviz code
digraph g {
1 -> 2
1 -> 3
3 [xlabel="p"]

Formula for a statement

“Has no blind successor”: ¬ ◇ □ ⊥, □ ◇ T (“wherever I go, I can do a step”), □ ¬ □ ⊥

“Has at least one non blind successor”: ◇ ◇ T

Bisimulation & contraction

That question about two models, if asked say they are bisimilar, just give a bisimulation and say the pair consisting of the two states is in the bisimulation.

The bisimulation contraction is then:

Bisimulation contraction

Graphviz code
digraph g {
ac -> b
b -> ac
ac -> ac
b [xlabel="[p]"]

Global diamond

Asked to see if global diamond is definable in basic modal logic (BML), as given by: M,x ⊨ E φ iff there is y ∈ W such that y ⊨ φ. (Side remark: if we can define it, the operator is like an abbreviation, it doesn’t change the expressive power).
