Advanced Logic

Table of Contents

Temporal logic using temporal frames

Linear time logic: events along a single computation path. ‘at some point we will have p’

Branching time logic: quantify over possible paths. ‘there is a path where eventually p’

A frame F = (T, <) is a temporal frame if both:

Truth and validity:

Truth and validity





Operator next:

Operator until:

Examples of until:

Until 1

Graphviz code
digraph g {
a -> b
a -> c
c -> d
b -> d
c -> e
c [xlabel="p"]
d [xlabel="q"]
e [xlabel="q"]

Until 2

Graphviz code
digraph g {
a -> b
a -> c
c -> d
b -> d
d [xlabel="q"]
c [xlabel="p"]
a ⊨ p U q. e.g. state e, we have q, and in any paths we have to go through states that have p. a ⊭ p U q. because we do not have p in state b.

In a temporal frame: