Automata & Complexity

Table of Contents

Automata and complexity



Some problems are undecidable: program termination, post correspondence problem

Some are NP-complete - travelling salesman, satisfiability in prop. logic

Word: finite sequence of symbols from finite alphabet Σ


computer program is a word, takes input word, produces output word

can concatenate words, |v| means length of word

power vk is k concatenations of v’s

reverse (a1 … an)R = an … a1

Formal languages

Formal language: set of words.

Σ* is set of all words over Σ, formal language L is subset of Σ*

Since it’s a set, the usual set operations have meaning (complement, union, intersection, etc.)

nth power of language is Ln+1 = Ln L

Kleene star: $L* = \bigcup_{i=0}{\infty} Li$, $L+ = \bigcup_{i=1}{\infty} Li$

$\overline{L}R$ == $\overline{LR}$

But sets are not the best for language description, so let’s use something else.

Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA)

Consists of:

If automaton in state q reads symbol a, resulting state is δ(q, a).

$(q, aw) \vdash (q’, w) \quad if \quad \delta(q, a) = q’$

You can write transition function δ in form of table:


DFA transition graphs

DFA can be visualised as transition graph:

if $(q, w) \vdash^* (q’, λ)$, can write $q \xrightarrow{w} q’$

A DFA defines a regular language based on what it accepts (or rejects).

To get a complement, you can just invert final states.


Deterministic: for every state and symbol, any state q has only one outgoing arrow with label a

For every input word, there's exactly one path from starting state through transition graph

Theorems for regular languages

A language is regular if there is a DFA M = (Q, Σ, δ, q0, F) with L(M) = L

If L regular, $\overline{L}$ also regular.

If L1 and L2 regular, then L1 ∪ L2 regular.

If L regular, LR regular.

Every finite language is regular.