Automata & Complexity

Table of Contents


Decision problem P is language P ⊂ Σ*

Decidable: P is recursive Semidecidable: P is recursively enumerable Undecidable: otherwise

Decidable problem:

Semidecidable problem:

Decision problem is decidable if:

The halting problem: given deterministic Turing machine and a word, does the machine halt when started with the word as input? It's undecidable, as the language H = { (M, x) | M reaches halting state on input x } is not recursive.

Rice's theorem: every non-trivial property of recursively enumerable languages is undecidable. A property of class K is trivial if it holds for all or no k ∈ K.

Post correspondence problem

Given n pairs of words (w1, v1)…(wn, vn), are there indices i1…ik st $w_{i_{1}}…w_{i_{k}} = v_{i_{1}}…v_{i_{k}}$?

Modified: is there a way to make the first words the same?

The PCP is undecidable, as evidenced by Joerg spending 2 hours in a lecture trying to make us decide it.

Undecidable properties of context-free languages

Stuff that's undecidable:


A decision P ⊂ Σ* is:

Examples of semidecidable: halting problem, PCP, non-empty intersection of context-free languages, ambiguity of context-free grammars

Examples of undecidable:


Big O notation

Wtf is this definition. TODO: find a better definition.

The highest exponent is what matters. e.g. n3 is in O(n3) but also in O(n5) List of big Os:

Time complexity

Let f,g : N → N. Nondeterministic Turing machine (M) runs in time f if for every input (w), every computation of M reaches a halting state after at most f(|w|) steps.

A Turing machine has time complexity O(g) if there exists f ∈ O(g) st the machine runs in time f.

Complexity classes P and NP

Nondeterministic Turing machine is in polynomial time if it has time complexity O(nk) for some k.

NP are languages accepted by nondeterministic polynomial time Turing machines.

P is class of languages accepted by deterministic polynomial time Turing machines.

P ⊂ NP, but nobody knows if P = NP.

A problem is in NP if: