Elementary properties of regular languages
If L₁, L₂, L are regular languages, then so are: L₁ ∪ L₂, L₁ ∩ L₂, L₁L₂, $\bar{L}$, L₁\L₂, $L*$, $LR$
Membership is decidable (i.e. if word u is member of regular language L):
- Represent L as a DFA M. Here you might run into practical issues with potentially exponential number of states, so only generate those states visited when reading u (on-the-fly).
- Check if u is accepted by M.
Emptyness is decidable (i.e. if a regular language L is empty):
- construct DFA/NFA M with L(M) = L
- Check if M has path from starting to final state
- If yes, then L ≠ ∅. Else, L = ∅.
Subsets are decidable (i.e. if for regular languages L₁ ⊆ L₂)
- L₁ ⊆ L₂ ↔ L₁ \ L₂ = ∅
- So, language (L₁ \ L₂) is regular.
- So, emptyness is decidable.
Equivalence is decidable (i.e. if two regular languages are equal):
- L₁ = L₂ ↔ (L₁ ⊆ L₂) ∧ (L₂ ⊆ L₁)
- The RHS of the bi-implication is decidable.
Word (string) matching
“For input word u and regex r, does u contain a subword in L(r)?”
Algorithm (used in Unix’s grep
- Transform regex Σ^*⋅𝑟 into an NFA
- Compute on-the-fly path of u in the corresponding DFA.
- Terminate as soon as final state is reached.
Worst-case time complexity of O(|r|⋅|u|)
Minimising DFAs
Joerg’s explanation is too abstract for me, I recommend this video.
It’s also a nicer algorithm imo, not as much guess-and-check. But sadly it’s not accepted on iSubmit.
The one Joerg wants us to use, in English:
- Split up the states of the DFA into two sets: final, and nonfinal. Also, making a transition table for the DFA might be useful.
- Split the sets repeatedly:
- Take two of the sets of states (at the start, you can only choose final and nonfinal). One is the source, the other the target; which one is up to you.
- Pick a symbol in Σ.
- Split the source set into two sets of states:
- those that can reach a state in the target set via a transition on the chosen symbol, and
- those that cannot.
- Once no more splitting is possible, you have a minimal DFA.
- Convert the sets into a DFA diagram:
- each set of states becomes one state on the minimal DFA,
- if a state was final on the original DFA, any set containing that state becomes final on the minimal DFA
- remember to mark the initial state - the set containing the set that was initial on the original DFA
- Enjoy your free points
Lexical analysis
Converts sequence of characters into sequence of tokens.
- regular expressions - every regex corresponds to a token
- lexical analysis searches the longest prefix of input that matches one of the regexes, and that’s transformed into a token
- when no prefix matches, you get an error
- when there are multiple longest, one is chosen
Non-regular languages
L = { aⁿbⁿ | n ≥ 0 } is not regular; proof by contradiction.
You can also use pumping lemma:
- Let L be regular language
- there exists m > 0 st every w ∈ L with |w| ≥ m
- can be written as w = xyz
- with |xy| ≤ m and |y| ≥ 1 and $xy^i z \in L$ for every i ≥ 0
In English: all words that are long enough can have a middle section of the word repeated an arbitrary number of times, to produce a new word, which is also part of the language.
If a language is regular, it always satisfies pumping lemma. By contradiction, you can prove a language is not regular.