Automata & Complexity

Table of Contents

*[TM]: Turing Machine *[BFS]: breadth-first search

Variations of Turing machines

With multiple tapes

A TM with two tapes can be simulated by a TM with one tape: transition on two tapes translates to multiple transitions on one tape. The difference in time complexity between TM with one tape and multiple tapes is a polynomial factor.

Nondeterministic Turing machines

Nondeterministic TM has transition function $\delta : Q \times \Gamma \rightarrow 2^{Q \times \Gamma \times \lbrace L, R \rbrace}$

A nondeterministic TM can be simulated by a deterministic TM:

Difference in time complexity between deterministic and nondeterministic TM is exponential factor

Universal Turing machines

A TM is “universal” if it can simulate every TM.

A universal TM gets as input: Turing machine M (described as word w), input word u. It simulates M on u. The inputs can be written on two different tapes, or behind each other on one tape.

The theorem is that there is a Turing machine. You just gotta believe it.

Unrestricted grammars

These correspond to Turing machines.

Unrestricted grammar contains rules x → y, where x ≠ λ (and that’s the only constraint).

Language L is generated by unrestricted grammar ↔ L is accepted by a Turing machine.

Unrestricted grammars → Turing machines

For every unrestricted grammar there is Turing machine st the languages generated/accepted are identical.

How do you do it?

Turing machines → unrestricted grammars

For every Turing machine M there is an unrestricted grammar st the languages generated/accepted are identical.

How do you do it?

Context-sensitive grammars

Context-sensitive grammars

Grammar is context-sensitive if, for every rule x → y, |x| ≤ |y| and x ≠ λ.

For every context-sensitive grammar, there is a grammar that generates the same language, with rules of the form xAy → xvy (with v ≠ λ).

A language is context-sensitive if there is a context-sensitive grammar for it.

Linear bounded automata

A nondeterministic TM (Q, Σ, Γ, δ, q₀, F).

There is no □; instead, symbols [ and ] are placed around the input word.

For every state q:

The memory is restricted by the length of the input word.

A language accepted by a linear bounded automaton is a word reached from the start state, of the form [uqv], where q is a final state and u,v ∈ Γ*.

Context-sensitive grammars to LBAs

For every context-sensitive grammar, there is an LBA that generates the same language.

A derivation of a word in the language contains only words of same or smaller length. A nondeterministic Turing machine can simulate (guess) this derivation without leaving the bounds of w.

LBAs to context-sensitive grammars

For every LBA, its language is context-sensitive.

Build unrestricted grammar of the same language; then, all production rules are context-sensitive except for □ → λ. However, LBA does not use □, since it never leaves borders of input word. So, drop rule □ → λ, and rules including □.

Basic properties of context-sensitive languages

If $L_1$ and $L_2$ are context-sensitive, then so are $L_1 \cup L_2$, $L_1 \cap L_2$, $L_{1}{R}$, $L_{1}L_{2}$, $L_{1}{*}$, $\overline{L_1}$, $L_{1} \setminus L_2$


We don’t know if deterministic LBAs are as expressive as nondeterministic LBAs.

Recursively enumerable languages

Language is recursively enumerable if it’s accepted by a Turing machine.

Turing machines are recursively enumerable:

Properties of recursively enumerable languages

The class of recursively enumerable Languages is closed under ∪ and ∩. There exist recursively enumerable languages for which their complement is not recursively enumerable.

Recursive languages

A language is recursive if it, and its complement, is recursively enumerable. Not every recursively enumerable language is recursive.

Language is recursive ↔ it is accepted by a deterministic TM that halts for every input.

Context-sensitive languages are recursive, but not every recursive language is context-sensitive.

The Chomsky hierarchy



Turing machines are countable, languages aren’t.

There are countably many Turing machines over an input alphabet Σ. There are uncountably many languages over Σ.
