Coding and Cryptography

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Euclidian algorithm

Use this if you want the gcd of two polynomials.

Iterative, at each step K is the iteration counter, Q is the quotient, and R is the remainder. S and T give you the multiplication factors.

Let’s say we want gcd of f(x) and g(x), with deg(f) ≥ deg(g):

K Q R S(x) T(x)
0 - f(x) 1 0
1 f(x) / g(x) g(x) 0 1
2 g(x) / R₂ rem( f(x)/g(x) ) q₁ s₁ + s₀ q₁ t₁ + t₀
3 R₂ / R₃ rem( g(x)/R₂ ) q₂ s₂ + s₁ q₂ t₂ + t₁
4 R₃ / R₄ rem( R₂/R₃ ) q₃ s₃ + s₂ q₃ t₃ + t₂
0 ⇒ R₄ is the gcd

This solves the equation r(x) = t(x) f(x) + s(x) g(x) as R₄ = t₄ f + s₄ g.