Coding and Cryptography

Table of Contents

Linear codes

Code linear v+w is word in C when v and w in C.

dist of linear code = min weight of any nonzero codeword.

vector w is linear combination of vectors $v_{1} \dots v_{k}$ if scalars $a_1 \dots a_k$ st. $w = a_{1} v_{1} + \dots + a_{k} v_{k}$

linear span <S> is set of all linear comb of vectors in S.

For subset S of Kⁿ, code C = <S> is: zero word, all words in S, all sums.

Scalar/dot product

$\begin{aligned} v &= (a_{1} \dots a_{n}) \\ w &= (b_{1} \dots b_{n}) \\ v \dot w &= a_{1} b_{1} + \dots + a_{n} b_{n} \end{aligned}$

For subset S of vector space V, $S^{\perp}$ subspace of V.

if C = <S>, $C^{\perp} = S^{\perp}$ and $C^{\perp}$ is dual code of C.

To find $C^{\perp}$, compute words whose dot with elements of S is 0.

Linear independence

linearly dependent $S = {v_{1} \dots v_{k}}$ if scalars $a_1 \dots a_k$ not all zero st. $a_{1} v_{1} + \dots + a_{k} v_{k} = 0$.

If all scalars have to be zero ⇒ linearly independent.

Largest linearly independent subset: eliminate words that are linear combination of others, iteratively.


Any linearly independent set B is basis for <B>

Nonempty subset B of vectors from space V is basis for V if:

  1. B spans V
  2. B is linearly independent

dimension of space is number of elements in any basis for the space.

linear code dimension K contains $2^{K}$ codewords.

$\dim C + \dim C^{\perp} = n$

if ${v_{1} + \dots + v_{k}}$ is basis for V, any vector in V is linear combination of ${v_{1} + \dots + v_{k}}$.

Basis for C = <S>:

  1. make matrix A where rows are words in S
  2. find REF of A by row operations
  3. read nonzero rows

Basis for C:

  1. make matrix A where rows are words in S
  2. find REF of A
  3. locate leading cols
  4. original cols corresponding to leading cols are basis

Basis for $C^{\perp}$ (“Algorithm 2.5.7”):

  1. make matrix A where rows are words in S
  2. Find RREF
  3. $\begin{aligned} G &= \text{nonzero rows of RREF} \\ X &= \text{G without leading cols} \\ H &= \begin{cases} \text{rows corresponding to leading cols of G} &\text{are rows of X} \\ \text{remaining rows} &\text{are rows of identity matrix} \end{cases} \end{aligned}$
  4. Cols of H are basis for $C^{\perp}$


product of A (m × n) and B (n × p) is C (m × p), where row i col j is dot product (row i of A) ⋅ (col i of B).

leading column: contains leading 1

row echelon form: zero rows of all at bottom, leading 1s stack from right.

Generating matrices & encoding

if G generator matrix for linear code C length n and dimension k, then v = u G ranges over all $2^{K}$ words in C $\forall u \text{length} k \in 2^{k}$

info rate of (n, k, d) code: $\frac{\log_{2} (2^{k})}{n} = \frac{k}{n}$

For C is (n,k,d):

Parity check matrices

H parity check matrix for linear code C if columns form basis for dual code $C^{\perp}$.

Matrix G generating and H parity check iff:

  1. rows of G linearly independent
  2. columns of H linearly independent
  3. rows(G) + columns(H) = columns(G) = rows(H)
  4. G H = 0

H parity check for C ⇔ $H^{T}$ generator for $C^{\perp}$

$H ^{T} G ^{T} = (G H) ^{T} = 0$

Conversion between generator and parity check matrices

Equivalent codes

Distance of linear code

H parity check for linear code C.

C has distance d ⇔ any set d-1 rows of H linearly independent & at least one set d rows of H linearly dependent


for C linear code length n, u any word length n: coset of C determined by u = C + u = {v + u | v ∈ C}

for C linear code length n, u and v words length n:

MLD for linear codes

when word w received, choose word u of least weight in coset c + w. conclude that v = w + u sent.

for C linear code length n, H parity check for C, w and u words in Kⁿ:

coset leader: word of least weight in coset.

standard decoding array (SDA) matches coset leader u to syndrome u H.

constructing SDA:

  1. list all cosets for code, elect leaders
  2. find parity check H for code
  3. calculate syndromes u H

decoding w received:

  1. calculate syndrome w H
  2. find coset leader u next to syndrome w H = u H in SDA
  3. conclude v = w + u sent