Coding and Cryptography

Table of Contents

Perfect & related codes

bounds for codes:

Perfect codes

perfect code: if length n, distance d = 2t+1, $|C| = \frac{2^{n}}{\binom{n}{0} + \binom{n}{1} + \dots + \binom{n}{t}}$

if C nontrivial perfect code length n, distance d = 2t+1, then n=23 and d=7, or n=2ᴿ-1 for some R ≥ 2 and d=3

if C perfect code length n distance d = 2t+1, then corrects all error patterns weight ≤ t and no others.

Hamming codes

Hamming code length 2ᴿ-1 if n = 2ᴿ-1, R ≥ 2, parity check matrix rows consist of all nonzero vectors length R