$GF(2^{r})[x]$: all polynomials with coefficients from $GF(2^{r})$.
Let $a_{1} \dots a_{n}$ be distinct nonzero elements of $GF(2^{r})$, then $g(x) = (a_{1}+x)(a_{2}+x)\dots (a_{t}+x)$ generates linear cyclic code length $2^{r}-1$ over $GF(2^{r})$.
Let C be linear code length n over $GF(2^{r})$. Then every codeword c(x) can be written uniquely as m(x)g(x) for some m(x) in $GF(2^{r})[x]$ of degree n - deg(g(x)), and g9x) divides f(x) iff f(x) codeword and g(x) divides 1+xⁿ.
Let g(x) degree n-k. If g(x) generates linear cyclic code C over $GF(2^{r})$ length $n = 2^{r}-1$ and dimension k, then
$G = \begin{bmatrix} g(x) \\ xg(x) \\ \vdots \\ x^{k-1} g(x) \end{bmatrix}$ and there are $(2^{r})^{k}$ codewords.
Let $a_{1} \dots a_{n}$ be nonzero elements of $GF(2^{r})$.
$\det \begin{bmatrix} 1 & a_{1} & a_{1}^{2} & \dots & a_{1}^{t-1} \\ 1 & a^{2} & a_{2}^{2} & \dots & a_{2}^{t-1} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ 1 & a_{t} & a_{t}^{2} & \dots & a_{t}^{t-1} \end{bmatrix} = \prod_{1 \leq j < i \leq t} (a_{i} + a_{j})$
Let $g(x) = (\beta^{m+1} + x)(\beta^{m+2}+x) \dots (\beta^{m+\delta-1}+x)$ be generator of linear cyclic code C over $GF(2^{r})$ of length $n = 2^{r}-1$, where β is primitive element in $GF(2^{r})$ and m is some int. Then d(C) ≥ δ.
If C = RS($2^{r}$, δ), then:
For int s with 1 ≤ s < $2^{r}-\delta$ and code RS($2^{r}$, δ), shortened code is when take codewords with zeros in last s positions and delete last s positions (or also set of polynomials of deg less than $n - s = 2^{r} - 1 - s$).
$G(x) = \begin{bmatrix} g(x) \\ xg(x) \\ \vdots \\ x^{k-s-1} g(x) \end{bmatrix}$
Let C(s) be shortened RS($2^{r}$, δ), then:
error locations: coordinates where most likely error pattern is nonzero, referred to by error location number.
error magnitude of a location is element of $GF(2^{r})$ occurring in coordinate of most likely error pattern
Instead of vector being coefficients of polynomial, consider it representing function from set S to field $F = GF(2^r)$
Set of all functions from S to $F = GF(2^r )$ represented by polynomials of degree ≤ k-1 form function space of dimension k with basis $1, x, x^{2}, \dots, x^{{k-1}}$.
Function space on S ⊆ GF($2^r$) of all polynomials degree ≤ k - 1 with coefficients from GF($2^r$) form linear (n, k, n-k+1) MDS code, where n = |S| ≤ $2^r$.
Set of nth roots of unity in F = GF($2^r$) is {a ∈ F | aⁿ = 1}
Let S be the set of nth roots of unity in GF($2^r$) Function space of all polynomials in GF($2^r$)[x] of degree ≤ k-1 on S forms cyclic (n, k, n-k+1) code over GF($2^r$).
Let β be primitive nth root of unity. If $v_j = V( \beta^j )$ for $V(x) = V_0 + V_1 x + \dots + v_{{n-1}} x^{{n-1}}$ then $v_i = v( \beta^{{-1}} )$ where $v(x) = v_0 + v_1 x + \dots + v_{{n-1}} x^{{n-1}}$
Let S be set of nth roots of unity in GF($2^r$). Then function space of all polynomials of degree $<$ n - δ + 1 on S is cyclic MDS code with generator polynomial $g(x) = ( \beta + x) ( \beta^2 + x ) \dots ( \beta^{ \delta - 1}+x)$ where β is primitive root of unity.