Computer Networks

Table of Contents

MAC: Protocols

Multiple access protocols


- slotted:
    - time is in discrete intervals called slots
    - station is not allowed to send when a user types a line



- Token passing (sesh circle)
    - stations pass small message (“token”) representing permission to send
    - either pass, or send frame then pass
    - token ring — stations are connected one to the next in circle, the token is passed around like a joint
    - token bus — stations are not in a circle, but connected via a token bus which is used to pass the token in a predefined sequence
- Binary countdown
    - a station that wants to use the channel broadcasts its address a binary bit string, starting with high-order bit (all addresses same length)
    - bits in each address position from different stations are ORed together by channel
    - as soon as a station sees that its 0 bit has been overwritten to a 1, it gives up and lets the other stations transmit
