Recursion: when a method calls itself…how would you use that? will explain, let’s start with something everyone here knows
Used for quicksort and divide and conquer algorithms. Divide and conquer:
Everyone here knows what the factorial is.
Important definition — 1! = 1. may seem obvious, but very important, because lets us get definite answer for the factorial of a number.
For this example, let’s choose a nice round number. 5.
5! = 120
. How do we know that? 5*4*3*2*1
so 5! = 120 = 5*4*3*2*1
but the mathematicians here know that:
5! = 5*4! = 5*4*3! = 5*4*3*2! = 5*4*3*2*1!. 1!=1
from definition, therefore5! = 5*4*3*2*1 = 120
Keep that in mind. Now, Java code which you can follow along with. Do any of you know ternary operator? No…I will write expanded. Otherwise, ternary operator.
public class Factorial {
public static void main(String[] args) {
public static int fact(int n) {
// Done simply using ternary operator:
// return (n==1)? 1 : n*fact(n-1);
if (n==1) {
return 1; // If n is 1, return 1
else {
return n*fact(n-1); // Otherwise, return n times factorial of a number one less
In the else statement, there is recursion. The method fact is calling itself. If you don’t understand what that does yet, let me show it to you.
Indentation shows different levels of execution within the program.
Method main runs and asks the factorial method — what is fact5?
main: fact(5)?
fact5 - 5*fact4 - fact4?
fact4 - 4*fact3 - fact3?
fact3 - 3*fact2 - fact2?
fact2 - 2*fact1 - fact1?
fact1 - 1 (‘if’ part of statement runs)
fact2 - 2*1 - return 2
fact3 - 3*2 - return 6
fact4 - 4*6 - return 24
fact5 - 5*24 - return 120
main: fact(5) = 120
Basically, it’s just a huge stack of the method calling itself over and over again until it hits the ‘if’ part of the statement (until n is 1) and returns a specific value, and that’s passed back along the stack until you get a concrete result. That’s recursion.
def fact n
return n==1? 1 : n*fact(n-1)
puts fact(5)