Kind of a syllabus
Here's what you should be able to do for each chapter (directly from
Data modelling
- three phases of database design: conceptual, logical, physical
- basic E/R concepts
- entities, attributes, relationships, 'is a', weak entity sets,
- cardinality/participation constraints
- how UML corresponds with and differs from E/R
- differences: basic syntax, aggregation, key specifications
- how to make a conceptual model given a scenario (UML and ER)
Conceptual to relational model
- how to translate a conceptual model to a relational model
- identifying keys
- internal/external keys
- (foreign) key constraints
- multi-valued attributes
- weak entity sets vs. composition
- 'is a'
- representing cardinalities
- recursive relationships
- optimisation: removing relationship tables
Relational model:
- explain concepts of relational model:
- schemas, state, domains
- read various notations for relational schema
- explain applications and problems of null values
- explain integrity constraints and their importance
- explain meaning of keys and foreign keys
- develop simple relational schemas
- write advanced SQL queries (nested, multiple variables)
- aggregation, grouping, union
- be comfortable with various join variants
- evaluated correctness and equivalence of SQL queries (including
possible presence of duplicate result tuples)
Relational normal forms:
- work with functional dependencies:
- define what they are
- detect them in database schemas
- decide implication, determine keys
- explain insert, update, delete anomalies
- understand, explain, and use BCNF
- test a given relation for BCNF
- transform a relation into BCNF
- understand, explain, and use 3NF
- test a given relation for 3NF
- transform a relation into 3NF
- understand, explain MVDs and 4NF
- detect normal form violations on the level of ER
- explain when and how to denormalise a database schema
- probably on exam:
- compute cover {attribute}+ -- needed everywhere
- determine all minimal keys
- find 'canonical' (minimal) set of FDs:
- use for BCNF decomposition -- splitting
- 3NF synthesis algorithm
- definitions of 4NF and multivalued FDs
- ACID properties, transactions
- anomalies: lost update, dirty read, unrepeatable read, phantoms
- transaction schedules, serializability, conflicts (rw/wr/ww)
- conflict equivalent, conflict serializability
- lock based concurrency control: 2 PL (strict, preclaiming)
- cascading rollbacks, deadlocks, deadlock detection
- cascadeless, recoverable
- granularity of locking, intention locks
- SQL isolation levels:
- optimistic concurrency approach
- multiversion concurrency control, snapshot isolation
Database APIs:
- explain problem of impedance mismatch
- be able to classify database app interfaces: static, dynamic,
object-relational mapping
- discuss advantages/disadvantages of API in terms of object
navigation and complex query execution
- understand object-relational mappings: Hibernate for Java, entity
framework for .NET (but you don't have to program on the exam)
- relate these to the ANSI SPARC 3-layer model and concepts of
logical/physical data independence
- explain advantages of LinQ and how it relates to impedance mismatch