
Table of Contents

SQL Overview


Basic query: SELECT columns FROM table WHERE condition is true

The FROM clause is like declaring variables that range over tuples of a relation:

SELECT  E.ENO, E.TOPIC  -- choose columns ENO, TOPIC
FROM    EXERCISES E     -- table exercises, E being an 'alias' for the current row
WHERE   E.CAT = 'H'     -- where the column CAT contains the value 'H'

If name of tuple variable ('E' in the code above) is not given explicitly, the variable will have the name of the relation ('EXERCISES' in the code above).

A reference to attribute A of variable R may be written as A if R is the only tuple variable with an attribute named A.

It is almost always an error if there are two tuple variables that aren't linked via join conditions.

Don't join more tables than needed.

In some scenarios, we might have to consider more than one tuple of the same relation to get a result tuple.

Duplicates have to be explicitly eliminated, using DISTINCT.

Sufficient condition for superfluous DISTINCT, where K is set of attributes uniquely determined by result.

  1. Assume WHERE clause is a conjunction. Let K be the set of attributes in the SELECT clause.
  2. Add to K attributes A s.t.:
    • A = c for a constant c is in the WHERE clause
    • A = B for B ∈ K is in the WHERE clause
    • if K contains key of a tuple variable, add all attributes of that variable
  3. Repeat 2 until K is stable.
  4. If K contains a key of every tuple variable listed under FROM, then DISTINCT is superfluous.

Typical mistakes:

Subqueries & non-monotonic constructs

monotonic: if further rows get inserted, the queries yield a superset of rows

non-monotonic: 'there is no', 'does not exist', 'for all', 'min/max'. testing whether or not a query yields an empty result.

example to select students without any homework result:

                    FROM    RESULTS
                    WHERE   CAT = 'H')

conceptually, the subquery (SELECT SID...) is evaluated before main query.


Comparing values: