Anonymous networks
Anonymous network: processes and channels have no unique ID
Many reasons:
- transmitting/storing is too expensive
- they don’t want to reveal ID
- they don’t have unique hardware ID
There is no election algorithm for anon rings that always terminates.
An execution is fair if each event that’s applicable in infinitely many configurations occurs infinitely often in computation.
- each election algorithm for anon rings has fair infinite execution
Probabilistic algorithm: process flips a coin and performs event based on the outcome
- Las Vegas: if probability that terminates is greater than zero & all terminal configurations are correct
- Monte Carlo: always terminates, probability that a terminal configuration is correct is greater than zero
Itai-Rodeh algorithm
Given anonymous directed ring.
Adopt Chang-Roberts algorithm:
- each initiator sends out ID, random from {1…N}
- largest ID is only one making a round trip
- each message supplied with hop count
- message that arrives at its source has hop count N
- if several processes select same ID, they start new election round, with higher round number
- in round 0, initiators active, noninitiators passive
- let p be active. at start of election round n:
- p randomly selects id(p)
- and sends [n, id(p), 1, false] = [round, ID, num hops, bool has encountered another process with same ID]
- if p receives:
- n’ > n, or n’ = n and i > id(p)
- then p becomes passive and sends (n’, i, h+1, b)
- n’ < n, or n’ = n and i < id(p)
- then p dismisses the message
- hops < N
- then p sends (n, id(p), hops+1, true)
- bool true, hops N
- then p proceeds to round n + 1
- bool false, hops N
- then p becomess the leader
- passive processes pass on messages, increasing hop count by 1
- average-case message: O(N·log N)
Election in arbitrary anon networks
Echo algorithm with extinction, with random selection of IDs, can be used for election in anon undirected networks, in which all processes know network size.
In round 0, initiators active, noninitiators passive.
Each active process selects random ID, and starts a wave, tagged with its ID and round number 0.
Let process p in wave i of round n be hit by wave j of round n’:
- if n’ > n, or n’ = n and j > i
- then p adopts wave j of round n’, and treats message according to echo algorithm
- if n’ < n, or n’ = n and j < i
- then p dismisses the message
- if n’ = n and j = i
- then p treats the message according to echo algorithm
Each message sent upwards in constructed tree reports size of it subtree.
All other messages report 0.
When process decides, it computes size of constructed tree.
- if tree covers network, it becomes the leader
- else, selects new ID, initiates new wave in the next round
No Las Vegas algorithm to compute size of anon ring (⇒ no Las Vegas algorithm for election in anon ring if processes don’t know ring size)
Itai-Rodeh ring size algorithm
Each process p has estimate est(p) of ring size.
Initially est(p) = 2.
p initiates estimate round at start of algorithm, and at each update of est(p).
Each round, p selects random id(p) in {1..R}, sends [est(p), id(p), 1], and waits for message [est, id, h]
- est < est(p)
- est > est(p)
- h < est
- then p sends [est, id, h+1], and est(p) = est
- h = est
- est = est(p)
- h < est
- then p ends [est, id, h+1]
- h = est and id ≠ id(p)
- h = est and id = id(p)
- then p dismisses the message
- worst-case message: O(N³)
IEEE 1394 election algorithm
IEEE 1394 standard is serial multimedia bus, connecting digital devices which can be added/removed dynamically.
Anonymous because transmitting/storing IDs is too expensive.
Network size is unknown to process.
Tree algorithm for undirected acyclic networks is used.
Networks that contain cycle give a timeout.
- when process has one possible parent, it sends parent request to this neighbor
- if accepted, an ack is sent back
- last two parentless processes can send parent requests to each other simultaneously (“root contention”)
- each of them randomly decides to either immediately send another request, or wait some time before request