Fault tolerance
A process may crash – unexpectedly stop executing events.
Assume network is complete – there’s a bidirectional channel between any two processes.
So process crashes never make remaining network disconnected.
Assume crashing of processes can’t be observed.
Binary consensus
- initially all processes randomly select 0 or 1
- eventually all alive processes uniformly decide 0 or 1
- validity: if all processes randomly select same initial value b, then all alive processes decide b
- k-crash consensus: at most k processes may crash
No algorithm for 1-crash consensus always terminates.
b-potent set S of processes: if by only executing events at processes in S, some process in S can decide b
No Las Vegas algorithm for k ≥ N/2 consensus
Bracha-Toueg crash consensus algorithm
Let k < N/2.
- initially each alive process randomly selects 0 or 1, with weight 1
- in round n, at each alive undecided process p:
- p sends [n, value(p), weight(p)] to all processes including itself
- p waits until N-k messages [n, b, w] have arrived (dismisses/stores messages from earlier/future rounds)
- if w > N/2, then value(p) = b
- else, value(p) = 0 if most messages voted 0, value(p) = 1 otherwise
- weight(p) = number of incoming votes for value(p) in round n
- if w > N/2 for more than k incoming messages, then p decides b
- if p decides b, it broadcasts [n+1, b, N-k] and [n+2, b, n-k] and terminates
Let k < N/2.
This is a Las Vegas algorithm that terminates with probability 1.
Failure detection
Failure detector at process tracks which process have (or may have) crashed.
Given an upper bound on network latency and heartbeat messages, one can implement a failure detector.
For this setting, terminating crash consensus algorithms exist.
Assume time domain with total order.
- F(t) is set of crashed processes at time t (“failure pattern”)
- t1 < t2 ⇒ F(t1) ⊆ F(t2)
- Assume processes can’t observe F(t).
H(p, t) is set of processes that p suspects to be crashed at time t (“failure detector history”)
Require that failure detectors are complete: from some time onward, each crashed process is suspected by each alive process.
“strongly accurate” failure detector: if only crashed processes are ever suspected
“weakly accurate”: if some process is never suspected by any process
- Processes numbered p0..p(N-1)
- Initially, each process randomly selects 0 or 1.
- In round n:
- pn (if alive) broadcasts its value
- each process waits
- for incoming message from pn, in which case it adopts value of pn
- or until it suspects that pn has crashed
- After round N-1, each alive process decides for its value.
“eventually strongly accurate”: if from some time onward, only crashed processes are suspected
- assumptions:
- each alive process broadcasts
every v time units
- there is unknown upper bound on network latency
- each process q initially guesses as network latency dq = 1
- if q receives no message from p for v+dq time units, then q suspects that p has crashed
- if q receives a message from a suspected process p, then p is no longer suspected, and dq = dq+1
- let k ≥ N/2, there is no Las Vegas algorithm for k-crash consensus based on eventually strongly accurate failure detector
“eventually weakly accurate”: if from some time onward, some process is never suspected
- let k < N/2, eventually weakly accurate failure detector used for k-crash consensus
- Chandra-Toueg k-crash consensus algorithm
- each process q records last round lu(q) in which it updated value(q)
- initially value(q) ∈ {0,1} and lu(q) = -1
- processes numbered p0..p(N-1)
- round n coordinated by pc with c = n mod N
- in round n, each alive process q sends [vote, n, value(q), lu(q)] to pc
- pc (if alive) waits until N-k such messages arrived, and selects one [vote, n, b, l] with l as large as possible
- value(pc) = b, lu(pc) = n
- pc broadcasts [value, n, b]
- each alive process q waits
- either until [value, n, b] arrives
- then value(q) = b, lu(q) = n
- and q sends [ack, n] to pc
- or until it suspects pc crashed
- then q sends [nack, n] to pc
- if pc receives more than k messages [ack, n], then pc decides b and broadcasts [decide, b]
- an undecided process that receives [decide, b] decides b
- let k < N/2, the Chandra-Toueg algorithm is an always terminating k-crash consensus algorithm