Distributed Algorithms

Table of Contents


Guiding a packet in network to its destination.

Routing table at node u stores for each v a neighbor w of u. Packets with destination v that arrive at u re passed to w.

Chandy-Misra shortest path algorithm

Undirected weighted network with positive weights. Centralised algorithm to compute shortest paths to initiator u₀.


u₀ sends message ⟦0⟧ to its neighbors

node v receives ⟦d⟧ from neighbor w. if d + wt(v, w) < dist(v, u₀), then

Termination detection by e.g. Dijkstra-Scholten


Merlin-Segall shortest path algorithm

Centralised algorithm to compute shortest paths to initiator u₀.

Initially, dist(u₀, u₀) = 0, dist(v, u₀) = ∞ for other nodes, and parent(v, u₀) values form sink tree with root u₀.

Each round, u₀ sends ⟦0⟧ to its neighbors.

  1. let node v receive ⟦d⟧ from neighbor w.
    • if d + wt(v, w) < dist(v, u₀), then dist(v, u₀) = d + wt(v, w)
      • v stores w as future value for parent(v, u₀)
    • if w = parent(v, u₀), then v sends ⟦dist(v, u₀⟧ to its neighbors except parent(v, u₀).
  2. When a v ≠ u₀ has received message from all neighbors, it sends ⟦dist(v, u₀)⟧ to parent(v, u₀) and updates parent(v, u₀).

u₀ starts a new round after receiving a message from all neighbors.


Topology changes:

Floyd-Warshall all-pairs shortest path algorithm

Initially, S = ∅ (S is explained in the next section).

While S doesn’t contain all nodes, a pivot w ∉ S selected:

When S contains all nodes, d[S] is standard distance function.


Toueg’s algorithm

Computes for each pair (u,v) a shortest path from u to v

dS(u, v), with S set of nodes, denotes length of shortest path fro u to v with all intermediate nodes in S

When S contains all nodes, d[S] is the standard distance function

Assume each node knows the IDs of all nodes

Initially at each node u:

At w-pivot round, w broadcasts its values dist(w, v) for all nodes v.

If parent(u, w) = ⊥, for a node u ≠ w at the w-pivot round, then dist(u, w) = ∞, so dist(u, w) + dist(w, v) ≥ dist(u, v) for all nodes v.

Hence the sink tree toward w can be used to broadcast dist(w)

If u is in sink tree toward w, it sends ⟦request, w⟧ to parent(u, w), to let it pass on dist(w).

If u isn’t in sink tree towards w, it proceeds to next pivot round, with S(u) = S(u) ∪ {w}

Consider any node u ni sink tree toward w:


Distance-vector routing

Network in which nodes/links may fail or be added. Such a change is eventually detected by its neighbors.

If topology change is detected, a node sends its entire routing table to its neighbors. Each node locally computes shortest paths.

Nodes periodically send link-state packet, with

When node recovers from crash, its sequence number starts at 0

Autonomous systems

RIP protocol uses distance-vector routing

OSPF protocol uses link-state routing

These routing algorithms don’t scale to the internet because of sending whole routing tables, or flooding. So, internet divided into autonomous sytems, where each system uses RIP or OSPF.

Border Gateway Protocol routes between autonomous systems.

You can still get deadlock, if you fill up memory at the nodes.

Slow-start with TCP

TCP protocol provides reliable packet delivery.

To avoid congestion, nodes maintainn congestion window for each of their edges. This is the max number of unacknowledged packets on this edge.

Congestion window grows linearly with each received ack, up to some threshold.

With each lost data packet, the congestion window is reset to initial size (TCP Tahoe) or halved (TCP Reno)