Equational Programming

Table of Contents

Natural numbers as lambda terms

Church numerals

Try to find infinitely many different closed normal forms that let us calculate.

zero                            => z
successor(zero)                 => s z
successor(successor(zero))      => s (s z)

∴ infinite, many, different, normal.

c0 = λs.λz.z
c1 = λs.λz.s(z)
c2 = λs.λz.s(s((z)))
cn = λs.λz.sⁿ(z)

∴ closed.

how to find definition of successor?

s cn =β cn + 1
    (in english, successor of Church numeral n is the same as the Church numeral + 1)

c₁ = λsz.sz
c₂ = λsz.s (s z)

∴ s = λx.λsz.x s (s z)
    = λx.λsz.s (x s z)


a function f : N —> N is definable in lambda calculus by term F if F[n] =β [ f (n) ] for every n in N

for Church numerals only: F cn =β cf (n)

You can define successor as: S = λx.λsz.s(xsz) OR S' = λx.λsz.xs(sz)