Equational Programming

Table of Contents

Normal form

Normal form

λ-term is in beta-normal (B-normal) form if it does not contain a beta-redex (you can’t reduce it any more).

If it is in normal form, it automatically also has a normal form.

If it has a normal form, it is not necessarily in normal form.

A λ-term M is in normal form if:

Strongly normalising (terminating): if all B-reduction sequences starting in M are finite (therefore also weakly normalising)

Weakly normalising: if there exists a B-reduction sequence starting in M that ends in a normal form.


Confluence is when terms can be rewritten in more than one way, still giving the same final result. That is, reducing to the same normal form.

In logic:

∀M1, M2: M ⇒ M1
         M ⇒ M2

         M1 ⇒β B
         M2 ⇒β B

With M being some term and B being a normal form.