Human Computer Interaction

Table of Contents

Designing for differences

differences in:

how much should you tailor?


peripherals, posture, stuff like this

Ergonomic keyboard design

Computers for older people

usage related to socio-economic group, with wealth and education critical

accessibility features:

Computers for kids

Web page guidelines

do the research

use any local knowledge you can get

test the design before deployment!

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG, W3C initiative)

aims to provide guidelines, has a st of accessibility principles


  1. provide text alternatives for any non-text content (like alt tag)
  2. provide alternatives for time-based media
  3. create content that can be presented in different ways without losing information/structure
  4. make it easier for users to see/hear content (including foreground and background separation)


  1. make all functionality available from a keyboard
  2. provide users enough time to read and use content
  3. do not design content in a way that can cause seizures
  4. provide ways to help users navigate, find content, and determine where they are

understandable & robust:

  1. make text content readable and understandable
  2. make web pages appear and operate in predictable ways
  3. help users avoid and correct mistakes
  4. maximize compatibility with current and future user agents, including assistive technologies