Intelligent Systems

Table of Contents

Probability and Uncertainty

one often has to deal with info that is underspecified, incomplete, vague, etc.

logic by itself is not sufficient for these problems.

Vagueness: Fuzzy Set Theory

model theory often based on set theory

fuzzy set theory allows something to be to some degree an element of a set

dominant approach to vagueness (mostly because wtf else can you do)

Fuzzy sets

modifiers (hedges)

Example of modifiers’ effects on graphs

operations on fuzzy sets:

semantics – multivalued fuzzy logic

Fuzzy relations

fuzzy sets can denote fuzzy relations between objects. e.g. approximately equal, close to, much larger than, etc.

fuzzy composition:

$f_{R \circ S} (\langle x,z\rangle ) = \max_{y \in Y} \min(f_R (\langle x,y\rangle ), f_S (\langle y,z\rangle ))$

hands-on example:

Fuzzy composition table


Uncertainties: Probability Theory


main interpretations of probability theory:

sample space Ω: set of single outcomes of experiment

event space E: things that have probability (subsets of sample space). if sample space is finite, event space is usually power set.

Axioms of probability

for any event A, B:

can derive:

conditional probability (“A given B”):

$P(A|B) = \frac{P(A \cap B)}{P(B)}$

Joint probability distributions

for a set of random variables, it gives probability of every atomic even on those random variables.

e.g. P(Toothache, Catch, Cavity):

toothache>¬ toothache>
catch¬ catchcatch¬ catch
¬ cavity0.0150.0640.1440.576

inference by enumeration:

use Bayes’ rule for opposite conditionals (like finding P(disease | symptom) from P(symptom | disease))

Bayesian networks

simple graphical notation for


topology example:

Bayesian network topology

what does it mean?

Evaluation of probabilities