Linear Algebra

Table of Contents

Orthogonality & least squares

let $u,v \in \Re^n$. orthogonal iff:

Inner (dot) product & uses

let $u,v \in \Re^n$. then, $u \cdot v = u^T v \in \Re$.

in English, to calculate you just multiply the vectors row-wise, and sum all the results.

Regular algebraic rules apply.

$u \cdot u \geq 0$, only 0 iff u = 0.

Length of a vector

Let $v \in \Re^n$, then the norm (length) of v is $|v| = \sqrt{v \cdot v}$.

Does the norm coincide with length of line segments? Yes:

$x = \begin{bmatrix}a\\b\end{bmatrix}, \quad |v| = \sqrt{v \cdot v} = \sqrt{a^2 + b^2} = \text{Pythagoras}$

Distance between vectors

Let $u,v \in \Re^n$. then, $\text{dist}(u,v) = |u-v|$.

Orthogonal complement

Let $W \subset \Re^n$ a subspace, then orthogonal complement of W is $W^\perp = {x \in \Re^n | x \cdot v = 0 \forall u \in W }$


Orthogonal sets

a set ${v_1 \dots v_p}$ is orthogonal if $v_i \cdot v_j = 0 \forall i,j$. then ${v_1 \dots v_p}$ is a basis for $\text{Span}{v_1 \dots v_p}$

An orthogonal basis is a basis that is also an orthogonal set

Why orthogonal basis? Let $W \in \Re^n$ be subspace with orthogonal basis ${u_1 \dots u_p}$, then $W \ni y = c_1 u_1 + \ldots + c_p u_p$, with $c_i = \frac{y \cdot u_i}{u_i \cdot u_i}$ for i = 1…p.

An orthonormal set/basis is an orthogonal set/basis consisting of unit vectors (like ${e_1, \ldots, e_n}\text{ for }\Re^n$).

An m × matrix A has orthonormal columns iff $A^T A = I_n$

Orthogonal projections

Orthogonal decomposition

Let W be a subspace of $\Re^n$. Each y in $R^n$ can be written uniquely in $y = \hat{y}+z$ ($\hat{y} \in W,\; z \in W^\perp$)

If ${u_1, \ldots, u_p}$ in orthogonal basis of W, then $\hat{y} = \frac{y \cdot u_1}{u_1 \cdot u_1} u_1 + \ldots + \frac{y \cdot u_p}{u_p \cdot u_p}u_p$

ŷ is an orthogonal projection of y onto W ($proj_w y$)

Best approximation

Let W be subspace of $\Re^n$, y a vector in $\Re^n$, ŷ an orthogonal projection of y onto W.

Then $|y-\hat{y}| < |y-v|$

When basis for W is an orthonormal set

If ${u_1 \ldots u_p}$ is orthonormal basis for subspace W of $\Re^n$, then $\text{proj}_w y = (y \cdot u_1)u_1 + \dots + (y \cdot u_p) u_p$

If U = $\begin{bmatrix} u_1 & u_2 & \dots & u_p \end{bmatrix}$, then $\text{proj}_w y = UU^T y \quad \forall y \in \Re^n$

Gram-Schmidt process

An algorithm for producing orthogonal or orthonormal basis for any nonzero subspace of $\Re^n$.

Given basis ${ x_1 \dots x_p }$ for nonzero subspace W of $\Re^n$, define:

$ \begin{aligned} v_1 &= x_1\\ v_2 &= x_2 - \frac{x_2 \cdot v_1}{v_1 \cdot v_1} v_1\\ v_3 &= x_3 - \frac{x_3 \cdot v_1}{v_1 \cdot v_1} v_1 - \frac{x_3 \cdot v_2}{v_2 \cdot v_2} v_2\\ \vdots \\ v_p &= x_p - \frac{x_p \cdot v_1}{v_1 \cdot v_1} v_1 - \dots - \frac{x_p \cdot v_{p-1}}{v_{p-1} \cdot v_{p-1} v_{p-1}} \end{aligned} $

Then ${v_1 \dots v_p}$ is an orthogonal basis for W.

$\text{Span}{v_1 \dots v_k} = \text{Span}{x_1 \dots x+k}$ for 1 ≤ k ≤ p.

QR factorization

If A is an m × n matrix, with linearly independent columns, then A can be factored as $A = QR$, where Q is he m×n matrix whose columns form an orthonormal basis for Col A, and R is n×n upper triangular invertible matrix with diagonal positive entries.

Least-squares problems

If a solution for $Ax = b$ does not exist and one is needed, try to find the best approximation x for $Ax = b$.

General least-squares problem is to find x that makes $| b - Ax|$ as small as possible.

If A is m×n and $b \in \Re^m$, a least-squares solution of $Ax = b$ is $\hat{x} \in \Re^n$ such that $| b - A\hat{x} | \leq | b - Ax |, \qquad \forall x \in \Re^n$.

Least-square solution set of $Ax = b$ is the same as the solution set for $A^T Ax = A^T b$.

Therefore, $\hat{x} = (A^T A)^{-1} A^T b$.

Given an m×n matrix A with linearly independent columns, let $A = QR$ be a QR factorization of A. Then, for each $b \in \Re^m$, $Ax = b$ has unique least-squares solution:

$\hat{x} = R^{-1} Q^T b$