Linear Algebra

Table of Contents

Solution sets of linear systems

Homogeneous linear systems

homogeneous: if you can write it in $Ax = 0$ where A is an $m \times n$ matrix and 0 is the zero vector in $\Re^m$

Parametric vector form

implicit description:

explicit description (parametric vector form):

the solution set of $Ax = 0$ is $x = tv$ with $t \in \Re$.

if $Ax = b$ has a solution, then you get the solution set by translating the solution set of $Ax = 0$ using any particular solution p of $Ax = b$. The set is then $x = p + tv$

Writing a solution set in parametric vector form:

  1. Row reduce augmented matrix to echelon form
  2. Express each basic variable in terms of any free variables.
  3. Write a typical solution x as a vector, with entries depending on the (potential) free variables.
  4. Decompose x into a linear combination of vectors using free vars as parameters.

Linear independence

linearly independent:

linearly dependent:

a set is linearly dependent iff it’s not linearly independent.