Linear Algebra

Table of Contents

Symmetric matrices

symmetric if $A^T = A$ (also has to be square)

Diagonalization of symmetric matrices

If A is symmetric, any two eigenvectors from two different eigenspaces are orthogonal.

An n×n matrix is orthogonally diagonalizable iff A is symmetric.

An n×n matrix A:

Singular value decomposition

singular values: square roots of eigenvalues of $A^T A$, denoted by $\sigma_1, \dots, \sigma_n$ in ascending order. They are also the lengths of vectors $Av_1, \dots, Av_n$.

Suppose ${v_1, \dots, v_n}$ is an orthonormal basis for $\Re^n$ consisting of eigenvectors of $A^T A$ in ascending order, and suppose A has r nonzero singular values.

Let A be n², then the fact that “A is invertible” means that: