Logic and Modeling

Table of Contents

Definability and Undefinability results

expressible frame properties in predicate/modal logic:

Expressible frame properties

for model cardinality

model cardinality:

Model cardinality definition

for all models M and all n ≥ 2 it holds that:

model infiniteness is definable by a set of formulas Δ:

model finiteness is undefinable (single formula):

model finiteness is undefinable (set of formulas):

mode infiniteness is undefinable (single formula)

for reachability

“v is reachable via R from u”. thinking of R as arrows, it means that there’s a path from v to u.

search for formulas χn that express reachability in n steps:

Reachable in n steps:

  1. u = v
  2. R(u,v)
  3. ∃x₁ (RU, x₁) ∧ R(x₁, v))
  4. ∃x₁ ∃x₂ (R(u, x₁) ∧ R(x₁, x₂) ∧ R(x₂, v))
  5. ….

shorthand: χ₂(c,d) denotes formula ∃x₁ (R(c, x₁) ∧ R(x₁, d))

Theorem for reachability

reachability is undefinable:

Reachability is undefinable

Let R be a binary relation symbol.

  1. In predicate logic, reachability by R-steps is
  1. In predicate logic, unreachability by R-steps is

General overview

Undefinability results overview