Logic and Modeling

Table of Contents

Propositional logic

Notation review

Rules of inference

“C is a logical consequence of A and B”:

Logical consequence

ImplicationConjunctionNegationDisjunctionBi-implication ("if and only if")
HypothesisConjunction introduction Negation hypothetical reasoningDisjunction introductionBi-implication introduction
Implication eliminationAnd eliminationNegation eliminationDisjunction eliminationBi-implication elimination

Truth and falsity: from false, you can conclude anything, and from nothing, you can conclude true.

Falsum elimination, Truth introduction

You can also derive this conjunction rule:

Conjunction negation rule

Forward and backward reasoning

Backward reasoning: looking at the goal and seeing what rules need to be applied (“bottom-up”)

Forward reasoning: starting at some hypotheses/assumptions

The general heuristic is to always work backwards, as much as possible. Only once you get stuck should you work from your assumptions or hypotheses.

If all else fails, try proof by contradiction.

Proof by contradiction

Suppose a negation of a formula is true, prove that it’s impossible, thereby proving the original formula.

Proof by contradiction

RAA stands for “reductio ad absurdum”

Vocab definitions

Classical reasoning


A general heuristic:

  1. Work backward from the conclusion, using introduction rules.
  2. When you run out of stuff to do, work forward with elimination rules.
  3. If you get stuck,

Proof by contradiction meme

(meme credit goes to Geo)

Syntax vs Semantics



Soundness and completeness

provable: if there is a formal proof of a formula (syntactic)

tautology/valid: if true under any truth assignment (semantic)

soundness: if a formula is provable, it is valid (if ⊢ A, then ⊨ A)

completeness: if a formula is valid, it is provable (if ⊨ A, then ⊢ A)

Proving soundness is easier than proving completeness.

A is a logical consequence of Γ if, given any truth assignment that makes every formula in Γ true, A is true.