Logic and Modeling

Table of Contents

One-page cheat sheet


environment is used to interpret free variables

M,w ⊩ Φ: Φ true in world w of Kripke model M (true in model if true in every world)

Φ valid in frame if true with every labelling.

frame = Kripke - labels



Model finiteness is undefinable.

Model infiniteness is definable by a set of formulas.

In predicate logic, only unreachability by n steps is definable, and only by a set of sentences.


Y ⊆ I decidable if program can tell for every i ∈ I whether i ∈ Y. I set, Y predicate on set.

Undecidable: termination, PCP, validity, provability, satisfiability.

Termination can be reduced to PCP, which can be reduced to validity.

Incompleteness theorems: every non-trivial formal system is