Logical Verification

Table of Contents


Type checking

Type checking is done using rules:


$\overline{C \vdash c : \sigma}^{\enspace Cst}$ if c declared with type $\sigma$


$\overline{C \vdash x : \sigma}^{\enspace Var}$ if $x : \sigma$ occurs in C


$ \underline{C \vdash t : \sigma \rightarrow \tau \qquad C \vdash u : \sigma}_{\enspace App} \\ C \vdash t u : \tau $


$ C, x : \sigma \vdash t : \tau \\ \overline{C \vdash (\lambda x : \sigma, t) : \sigma \rightarrow \tau}^{\enspace Lam} $

Lean diagnosis commands

You can use the placeholder _, Lean will help you by telling you what needs to be found.

Inductive type definitions

For example, arithmethic expressions:

inductive aexp : Type
| num : ℤ → aexp
| var : string → aexp
| add : aexp → aexp → aexp
| sub : aexp → aexp → aexp
| mul : aexp → aexp → aexp
| div : aexp → aexp → aexp

Function definitions

For example a power function:

def power : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ
| _ 0 := 1
| m (n+1) := m * (power m n)