Logical Verification

Table of Contents

Logical foundations of mathematics


Girard’s paradox: Type : Type ⇒ false Russel’s paradox: {x | x ∈ x }

Types have a type. You can’t type Type as Type because of Girard’s paradox.

So you set up something like this:

The types of types are “universes”. u in Sort u is “universe level”.

The Prop universe

Prop is different from other universes.

Universe of α → β (impredicativity)

functions are used both returning Types and returning Prop.

You can use the typing rule

C ⊢ σ : Sort u    C, x : σ ⊢ τ[x] : Sort v
——————————————————————————————————————————— Forall
C ⊢ (∀x : σ, τ[x]) : Sort (imax u v)


imax u 0       = 0
imax u (v + 1) = max u (v + 1) -/

Proof irrelevance

∀(a : Prop) (h₁ h₂ : a), h₁ = h₂

When seeing proposition as type, and proof as element of that type, a proposition is either empty type or has exactly one inhabitant.

No large elimination

Can’t extract data from a proof of a proposition. This needs to be true for proof irrelevance.

Axiom of choice

Makes it possible to get an arbitrary element from any nonempty type. classical.choice gives back some element of the type. It’s not computable, and definitions that use it must be marked noncomputable.


If a type is a set of elements, a subtype is a subset of those elements.

Given base type and property, the subtype has syntax: { variable : base type // property } So for example {i : Ν // i ≤ n}

You create elements with subtype.mk property proof_of_property.

Quotient types

If a type is a set of elements, and some of those elements are equivalent, the quotient type is the set of those equivalences. You create this with a setoid (a structure with an equivalence relation and proof).