Logical Verification

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Two operations, three laws

Monad: type constructor m that depends on type parameter α. Has two operations:

In english, a monad is a box. pure puts stuff in the box, bind lets you use and modify stuff in the box.

The operator inside do can extract stuff from the monad (take it out of the box).

First law:

    a' ← pure a,
    f a'
    f a

Second law:

    a ← ma,
    pure a

Mutable state

The state monad is based on an ‘action’:

def action (σ α : Type) :=
σ → α × σ

σ is the state here, or the ‘context’.

Then you can have several operations on the state:

def action.read {σ : Type} : action σ σ
| s := (s, s)

def action.write {σ : Type} (s : σ) : action σ unit
| _ := ((), s)

def action.pure {σ α : Type} (a : α) : action σ α
| s := (a, s)

def action.bind {σ : Type} {α β : Type} (ma : action σ α) (f : α → action σ β) : action σ β
| s :=
    match ma s with
    | (a, s') := f a s'


When a program can return one of many possible values. This can be modelled with sets – i.e. it returns something from a set of values.