Logic & Sets

Table of Contents

Binary Decision Trees

used to represent a boolean function

dashed line to left is 0, solid line to right is 1

a formula is satisfiable if there is at least 1 leaf with a 1


Ordered Binary Decision Diagram (OBDD)

collapsing and removing nodes in a binary decision tree


  1. leaves with 0 and 1 are collapsed

  2. repeat:

    • if 0 and 1 edge of non-leaf n lead to same node m:
      • eliminate n
      • redirect its incoming edges to m
    • if non-leaves associated with same bool variable have 0 edge to same node and 1 edge to same node, then collapse

non-isomorphic reduced OBDDs are never semantically equivalent

sensitive to order change (which nodes are above which)

logical operations:
