Logic & Sets

Table of Contents

Predicate Logic

Atomic formulas

role of propositional vars p,q,r is taken over by atomic formulas with objects and predicates




∃x C(x) — somebody is clever

∀x C(x) — everybody is clever

same priority level as for ¬


if L(r,j) means Robert loves Jane, it holds in M1 but not M2


meaning/truth value of a formula from predicate logic depends on underlying model M, consisting of:

∀x ϕ is true in M if true for every element in A

∃x ϕ is true in M if true for some element in A

for each e ∈ A, ϕ [x := e] is true in M

Semantic entailment

for formula ϕ, M ⊨ ϕ means that ϕ is true in M

Semantic equivalence

  1. if for all models M, M ⊨ ϕ ⟷ M ⊨ Ψ
  2. then ϕ ≡ Ψ

also, given that “nobody is perfect”, this holds:

¬∃x P(x) ≡ ∀x ¬P(x)

Alpha conversion

you can rename bound variables like in lambda calc

∀x C(x) ≡ ∀y C(y)