Logic & Sets

Table of Contents


Cartesian product of sets

A × B := {<a,b> : a ∈ A ∩ b ∈ B}

A × A := A2

#(A×B) = #A ⋅ #B

Binary relation: relation of type A × B or A × A

Relation in set A: relation of type A × A

Infix notation:

x R y — <x, y> ∈ R


directed graphs & matrix:


Venn diagrams & matrix:


Inverse of binary relation

Inverse of R: R-1 := {<x,y> : <y,x> ∈ R}

R ⊆ A × B => R-1 ⊆ B × A

For Venn diagrams, you reverse the arrows.

Composite relations

R ∘ S := {<x,z> : x S y ∩ y R z for some y}


Composition is associative.

Inverse: (R ∘ S)-1 = S-1 ∘ R-1

Properties of relations

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