Machine Learning

Table of Contents


What is ML?

Deductive vs inductive reasoning:

ML lets systems learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed (for a specific situation).

Used in software, analytics, data mining, data science, statistics.

Problem is suitable for ML if we can’t solve it explicitly.

Why don’t we have explicit solutions? Sometimes could be expensive, or could change over time, or other reasons.


An intelligent agent:

Offline learning: separate learning and acting

Supervised ML

Supervised: explicit examples of input and output. Learn to predict output for unseen input.

learning tasks:


how do you reduce a problem to classification? e.g. every pixel in a grayscale image is a feature, label each feature

classification: output labels are classes (categorical data)

linear classifier: just draw a line, plane, or hyperplane

decision tree classifier: every node is a condition for a feature, go down branch based on condition. would look like a step function in a graph.

k-nearest-neighbors: lazy, doesn’t do anything, just remembers the data (?? have to look this up in more detail) features: numerical or categorical

binary classification: only have two classes

multiclass classification: more than two classes


regression: output labels are numbers. the model we’re trying to learn is a function from feature space to ℜ

loss function: maps model to number that expresses how well it fits the data

common example: $loss(p) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_i (f_p (x_i) - y_i)^2$

takes difference between model prediction and target value (residual), then square and sum all residuals

overfitting: the model is too specific to the data, it’s memorizing the data instead of generalizing

split test and training data. don’t judge performance on training data, the aim is to minimise loss on test data.

Unsupervised ML

Unsupervised: only inputs provided, find any pattern that explains something about data.

learning tasks:

What isn’t ML?

ML is a subdomain of AI.