Machine Learning for the Quantified Self

Table of Contents

Removing noise: outliers, imputing missing values, transforming data.

Outlier: observation point that’s distant from other observations

Remove with domain knowledge, or without. But be careful, don’t want to remove valuable info.

Outlier detection:

Distribution based

Chauvenet’s criterion

Assume normal distribution, single attribute Xi.

Take mean and standard dev for attribute j in the data set:

$\mu = \frac{\sum_{n = 1}^{N} x_{n}^{j}}{N}$

$\sigma = \sqrt { \frac{ \sum_{{n=1}}^{{N}} {\left({{x_{{n}}^{{j}}} - \mu} \right)^2} }{N} } $

Take those values as parameters for normal distribution.

For each instance i for attribute j, compute probability of observation:

$P(X \leq x_{i}^{j}) = \int_{-\infty}^{x_{i}^{j}}{\frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \sigma^2 \pi}} e^{-\frac{(u - \mu)^{2}}{2 \sigma^2}}} du$

Define instance as outlier when:

Typical value for $c$ is 2.

Mixture models

Assuming data follows a single distribution might be too simple. So, assume it can be described with K normal distributions.

$p(x) = \sum_{k=1}^{K} \pi_{k} \mathscr{N} (x | \mu_{k}, \sigma_{k})$ with $\sum_{k=1}^{k} \pi_{k} = 1 \quad \forall k: 0 < \pi_{k} \leq 1$

Find best for parameters by maximizing likelihood: $L = \prod_{n=1}{N} p(x_{n}^{j})$

For example with expectation maximization algorithm.


Use $d(x_{i}^{j}, x_{k}^{j})$ to represent distance between two values of attribute j.

points are “close” if within distance $d_{min}$. points are outliers when they are more than a fraction $f_{min}$ away.

Local outlier factor

Takes density into account.

Define $k_{dist}$ for point $x_{i}^{j}$ as largest distance to one of its k closest neighbors.

Set of neighbors of $x_{i}^{j}$ within $k_{dist}$ is k-distance neighborhood.

Reachability distance of $x_{i}^{j}$ to $x$: $k_{reach dist} (x_{i}^{j}, x) = \max (k_{dist}(x), d(x, x_{i}^{j}))$

Define local reachability distance of point $x_{i}^{j}$ and compare to neighbors.

Missing values

Replace missing values by substituted value (imputation). Can use mean, mode, median. Or other attribute values in same instance, or values of same attributes from other instances.

Combining outlier detection & imputation

Kalman filter:

Assume some latent state $s_{t}$ which can have multiple components. Data performs $x_t$ measurements about that state.

Next value of state is: $s_{t} = F_{t} s_{t-1} + B_{t} u_{t} + w_{t}$

Measurement associated with $s_{t}$ is $x_{t} = H_{t} s_{t} + v_{t}$

For white noise, assume a normal distribution. Try to predict next state, and estimate prediction error (matrix of variances and covariances). Based on prediction, look at the error, and update prediction of the state.

Transforming data

Filter out more subtle noise.

Lowpass filter: some data has periodicity, decompose series of values into different periodic signals and select most interesting frequencies.

Principal component analysis: find new features explaining most of variability in data, select number of components based on explained variance.