in english, min vertex cut ≤ min edge cut ≤ smallest degree in graph
Menger’s theorem:
Let G be a connected graph, with u and v two non-adjacent vertices.
formal: “The minimum size of a vertex cut disconnecting nonadjacent vertices u ≠ v equals the maximum size of a vertex-independent set P(u,v). The minimum size of an edge cut disconnecting vertices u ≠ v equals the maximum size of an edge-independent set P(u,v).“
in english: the min number of vertices you need to remove to split vertices u and v into different components of the graph == the max number of paths from u to v that don’t share vertices. same shit for edges.
if k is even — make each vertex adjacent to k/2 neighbours in each direction around circle
if k is odd and n is even — make each vertex adjacent to (k-1)/2 neighbours in each direction, and diametrically opposite vertex
if k is odd and n is odd — make each vertex adjacent to (k-1)/2. then index nodes by integers mod n, and connect node to integer+(n-1)/2 for 0≤integer≤(n-1)/2
yes, one node will have an even degree — the one labelled (n-1)/2