Ok at this point I’m starting to give up on life.
Erdos-Renyi graphs (random graphs)
$P[\delta (u) = k] = \binom{n-1}{K} p^k (1-p)^{n-1-k}$
since there are n-1 vertices to link with u.
for large G ∈ ER(n,p) the average shortest path length d̄(G) tends to:
$\frac{\ln{n} - \gamma}{\ln{\delta}} + 0.5 \qquad \gamma \approx 0.5572$
phase transition around p=1/n — a gigantic connected component appears
Watts-Strogatz graphs (“small world”)
V = { v1, v2, v3, …, vn }. choose n >> (even k) >> ln(n) >> 1.
to build:
construct Hn,k
consider each edge <u,v>
result is WS(n,k,p)
many vertices will be close to each other
weak links are the long ones that cross the ring
high clustering coefficients
average shortest path length for WS(n,k,0)
$\hat{d}(u) \approx \frac{n}{2k}$
Scale-free networks
very few high-degree vertices
degree distribution follows power law
$P[\delta (u) = k] \alpha ∝ k^{-a}$ (usually 2 < a < 3)
function $f$ is scale-free if $f(bx) = C_{b} f(x)$ with Cb a constant
scale-free function has the same shape everywhere
built using growth process with preferential attachment (a new node is more likely to connect to nodes with high degrees)
hubs make them vulnerable to targeted attacks
example — BA graphs (below)
Barabasi-Albert graphs (scale-free, dynamical growth, random graphs)
BA(n, n0, m)
n vertices, m edges
start with n0 nodes at t=0, on every step add node with m (≤ n0) edges
constructing a graph
start with n0 nodes, no edges
while vertices < n
add a new node v
add edges to all other nodes, each with probability proportional to δ(u)
for constant c ≥ 0, add c × m edges between vertices excluding v. probability for each edge <x,y> is proportional to δ(x)×δ(y)
P(v is linked to u) = $\frac{\delta (u)}{\text{sum } \delta (\text{all other nodes})}$
power law distribution:
$P[\delta (u) = k] = \frac{2m^2}{k^3} \propto k^{-3}$
there’s a bunch of complicated formulas connected to this so I’ll just hope they don’t show up
clustering coefficient depends on sequence
average shortest path lengths are shorter than ER because of vertices with high degree (“hubs”)
tunable clustering — you might add more edges to one node, based on a probability