Physical Computing

Table of Contents

Image processing


  1. Acquired signals are often noisy
  2. Context information is often hidden

Below are options for image processing.

Point processing

Neighborhood processing

Morphological operations


Select a region of interest — user defined region within the image. Then crop (resize) the image.


Partitioning an image into separate objects, main vs background. Can be done by:

BLOB analysis

BLOB — binary large object (group of connected pixels in binary image)

connectivity decides which pixels are neighbours (4-connectivity, 8 connectivity)

set of allpixels which are connected to a given pixel is a connected component or BLOB


extracting connected components is called labelling, each connected component is given a label.

0 is background, then 1,2,3,…

in MATLAB, bwlabel returns matrix with labels and number of BLOBs