Looking for bugs: code review, static analysis, testing
Fuzzing/fuzz testing:
- find vulnerabilities by repeatedly testing program with modified inputs
- different kinds of fuzzers
Different types of fuzzers:
- input:
- mutational
- mutate seed inputs to create new test inputs
- common mutations:
- bit flip: flip nth bit of input (e.g. AFL fuzzer)
- byte flip: flip nth byte of input
- arithmetic: add n, subtract n, multiply by n, etc.
- insert/delete n bytes in input
- cross-over: combine two inputs (e.g. Vuzzer)
- ideally want to select fitness: discard unsuccessful inputs
- fitness e.g. does input execute new code, does input get us close to some target code
- problem: many invalid inputs because lack of input format
- generative (know full input grammar)
- learn/create format/model on input, use it to generate new inputs
- problem: hard to get right input format, might miss bugs related to invalid inputs
- strategy: feedback, no feedback
- app transparency: black-box, grey-box, white-box
- black-box: only interface known. difficult to access effectiveness
- white-box: all is known. better understanding of effect of input, but slow and harder to scale
- grey-box: use some knowledge
- objective: guided/targeted, coverage-based
- coverage-based: the more code we cover, the more bugs we find (e.g. AFL, VUzzer)
- target: try to reach specific set of targets (e.g. Parmesan)
- hybrid: aim for targets while increasing coverage
Improving traditional fuzzing:
- apply heuristics to:
- mutate better
- learn good inputs
- apply analysis to understand application behavior