Systems Architecture

Table of Contents

Basic processing unit

Organisation and basic processing cycle

Execution of complete instruction:

  1. Fetch instruction

    • fetch instruction pointed to by PC, put it into IR (instruction register)
    • increment PC by number of bytes
    • decode IR and execute instruction specified in IR
  2. Fetch operand

  3. Perform operation

    • use memory operand / NOP
  4. Store result


Register gating:

Register transfer (e.g. R1 to R3 — all happens at once):

  1. Addr_out = R1
  2. R_out
  3. Addr_in=R3
  4. R_in

Load from memory:

  1. Ri_out, MAR_in, read
  2. MDR_inE, WMFC
  3. MDR_out, Ri_in

Store to memory:

  1. Ri_out, MAR_in
  2. Rj_out, MDR_in, write
  3. MDR_outE, WMFC