Systems Architecture

Table of Contents

Memory operations & instructions

Memory operations

to execute an instruction, processor control circuits have to cause word/words containing instruction to be transferred from memory to processor (with operands and results)

basic operations

RISC vs CISC instruction sets

(most processors have a compromise)

RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computers)

CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computers)

Instruction Execution

the processor has a program counter (PC) register, holds address of next instruction

processor circuits use info in PC to fetch and execute instructions in order of increasing address (straight-line sequencing)

executing an instruction

  1. Instruction fetch — instruction fetched from mem location stored in PC and put in instruction register

  2. Instruction execute — instruction is examined and the operation is performed, PC is incremented by 4.

branch instructions load new address into PC, allow conditional jumping (jump if greater/less than)