Systems Architecture

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Multiplication of signed integers

Meaning 2’s complement signed ints. There’s the shorthand and then there’s the algorithm.

Shorthand (same as decimal multiplication)


Booth’s algorithm:

Involves recoding the multiplier (Y in “X times Y”) based on this table, going bitwise left to right.

If the last bit is a 1, there’s an implied 0 behind it.


Then you do a table, going bitwise right to left on recoded multiplier. If it’s zero, you shift. If it’s -1, you add -A and shift. If it’s +1, you add A and shift.

For example, if given 001111 × 001111:

A = 001111
B = 001111
-A = 110001

Recoded multiplier (B): 0 +1 0 0 0 -1

ProductStep descriptionMultiplier bit
110001Add -A-1
11110001Shift only0
111110001Shift only0
1111110001Shift only0
0011100001Add +A+1
000011100001Shift only0

So the final result is 000011100001 (twice as many bits as the terms).

Speeding up the process

Bit-pair recoding of multipliers using Booth recoding:


For example, for the multiplier 111010:


To multiply by -1, make 2’s complement. To multiply by -2, add 2’s complement. So now the process is:


You could also do carry-save addition, which is a crazy-ass circuit where the carries are introduced into the next row at the correct weighted positions.

Then there’s 3-2 reducer addition: carry-save add summands in groups of 3 to get S and C vectors, group S and C vectors in 3s and carry-save add, etc. until there are only two vectors left. Those are added by carry-save.

Also, 4-2 reducer addition: