Systems Architecture

Table of Contents

Numeric representation of data types

Everything’s stored in binary. Obviously. This is computers.

Signed Integers

Representing both positive and negative numbers.

Leftmost bit (MSB) tells state of sign flag — 0 for positive and 1 for negative


Arithmetic operations with signed integers.

How to design an actual circuit for this shit.

Multiplication of signed integers.

Division is a pain in the ass, exactly the same as decimal long division. Just with 1s and 0s.


Useful website:

float in binary: sign for number, significant bits, signed scale factor exponent for implied base 2

IEEE standard (32 bit floats) — sign bit, 8-bit signed exponent in excess-127, 23-bit mantissa (fractional)


The value stored in exponent is unsigned int E’ = E + 127 (excess-127). E being unsigned int representation, E’ being excess 127.

Why excess-127? In 32 bits, you have 8 bits for the exponent. With 8 bits, you can represent values 0 to 255. But we want really small numbers, so a negative exponent. So the dudes at IEEE decided to go for -127 to +128. -127 (0) represents 0, 128 (255) represents infinity. So real range is -126 to +127. But the value in the exponent is an unsigned int, from 0 to 255, so the whole thing has to be shifted. Just define 0 to be -127 and you’re done. In other words, if you put a 0 in the exponent, you’re actually representing -127.

Confusing as shit. Basically if you want to write some value, you have to put that value + 127 in the exponent, in binary.

To convert to excess-127:

The number is normalised if it’s in the form “1.something × 2ⁿ”.

Special values of mantissa:

All operations use guard bits to keep accuracy. However, to store, you need to remove guard bits (truncate).


Adding/subtracting floating point values.

Multiplying/dividing floating point values.



Common encoding is ASCII. Characters are represented by 7-bit codes. Alphabetic and numeric characters are in increasing sequential order.

Unicode has a large set of international alphabets, with variable width encoding (1-4 bytes, ASCII to Latin/Greek/Cyrillic/Coptic to Chinese/Hindi/tagalog to whatever else)