Systems Architecture

Table of Contents

Shared-memory multiprocessors

multiprocessor system has a lot of processors that can do different tasks at the same time

in a shared-memory multiprocessor, all processors have access to the same memory (probably large)

memory is distributed across multiple modules, connected by an interconnection network

when memory is physically separate processors, all requests go through a network, introducing latency

if you have the same latency for memory access from all processors, you have a Uniform Memory Access (UMA) multiprocessor (but latency doesn’t magically go away)

to improve performance, put a memory module next to each processor leads to collection of “nodes”, each with a processor and memory module

each node is connected to network. no network latency when memory request is local, but if remote, it has to go through the network

these are Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) processors


Interconnection networks

suitability is judged in terms of:

types commonly used: