Web Tech

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initially, HTML was simple, but people began adding anything they could

each browser had different features — led to Balkanization, where each browser would e.g. only render a specific format image

enter the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)

the ‘web parliament’, a standards body

mission is to make the Web “available to all people (no matter hardware/software/network infrastruct/language/culture/location/physical or mental ability)”

made up of ~400 academic, non-profit, and corporate organisations (e.g. Google, MS, Facebook)

first tried to develop HTML into XHTML2, but fucked up eventually accepted WHATWG’s approach with HTML5

a unified markup language — HTML(5)

initially, HTML — a bunch of tags to dictate format

HTML5 includes audio, video, pictures, words, headlines, citations, canvases, 3D graphics, email, etc.

can be validated against the W3C recommendation

first developed by WHATWG (Web Hypertext App Tech Working Group), then W3C